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The family that makes up the Carlson Smart Home

Welcome to Carlson Smart Home!

I'm Nichole!

I live in a very small town in Iowa with my husband, two daughters, two dogs, two toads, and 7 caterpillars. We've moved several times since I met my husband back in 2015, but have now built our forever home. We're always on the go, whether it's taking our girls to the arcade or taking our oldest to her soccer games and gymnastics, we like to keep busy! Even though we have a busy lifestyle, I manage to have a few hobbies. I enjoy taking care of my houseplants, and I enjoy researching the latest technology that I can integrate into my home.

I want to help you make your home smart. I've worked in a gym setting for 10 years, have been a certified personal trainer for 8 years, and competed in collegiate sports at the national level. Over the past 8 years as a personal trainer, I've learned that weight loss can be made simple, and there's much more that goes into losing weight than just food. Life stressors can be a huge contribution to weight gain, so by following my guide to make your home smart, not only will we learn how to lose weight in regards to food, calories, and your metabolism, we'll learn how to limit stressors within your own home! 

In regards to technology, I've been on my "smart home" journey since 2016 and have been constantly researching new ways to integrate technology into my household because, not only does it make my life more efficient and limit stress, but it's cool! I'm a huge Tony Stark / Iron Man fan, and I've always thought it would be awesome to have my very own Jarvis. Someday, Amazon will release the ability to name your own device, and when that day comes, I'll definitely have a Jarvis in my home. In the mean time, I have Alexa here to make my life easier and automate my household. 


My passion for smart home technology initially started when I was gifted my first set of smart light bulbs. I had no idea what I was going to use them for, but I thought they were cool so figured I'd give them a shot. Well, I ended up putting them in the lamps on our end tables in the living room. I showed my husband how to use them, "Alexa, turn living room lights on/off"...but what I didn't tell him was that I could control the lights from my phone as well. As I was sitting up in our bedroom, I could hear him saying "Alexa, turn living room lights off", to which I would respond by turning them back on from my phone. His command to Alexa was getting more frustrated with each attempt, and my laughter ended up giving me away as he came upstairs and said "that was you, wasn't it?". From then on, I was intrigued by anything I could add to my home to make it smart.

Technology and health may seem odd to pair up, but I truly believe a smart home will make your life easier, simplify the way you think about your body, and overall improve your quality of life. 

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