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Weight Loss Made Simple - Boosting Your Metabolism


Losing weight is hard. Millions of people struggle with this every year, and part of the reason behind that is it's been over complicated.

What if I told you that losing weight can be simple? All weight loss strategies come back to one thing and have one main thing in common.

In this post, I'm going to share with you:

Why you're having a hard time losing weight

My name's Nichole and I've been a certified personal trainer for 8 years. I've had numerous clients come to me after countless failed attempts at whatever the latest fad diet was at the time because they aren't sustainable.

"I lost 20 pounds right away, but then gained 35 back!"

This is a very common problem with these fad diets! They aren't meant to help you out long term and are actually hurting your body!

How I made weight loss simple

How is weight actually lost? Have you ever really thought about it? The simple answer is: you take in fewer calories than what you expend. That's it. If you consume fewer calories than what your body is burning every day, you are going to lose weight. That isn't over simplifying it, it's really that simple.

The key to this, however, is finding out how many calories you're consuming every day, and how many calories you're burning every day.

The application of this is where most people, my clients included, tend to panic. As soon as I mention counting calories, people tend to automatically be stressed. But if you're not rapidly gaining weight, you're most likely eating similar amounts of calories every day, meaning you really only need to count calories for a day or two to get an estimate of how many calories you're consuming. That's not too bad, right!?

Once you figure out how many calories you eat on average every day, you can use an online calculator (there are lots online, so here's a free one that's close to actual numbers) to determine approximately what your resting metabolic rate is. Your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is the amount of calories you burn every day no matter what. So if you were to sit in a chair all day without moving, you would still burn this number of calories just by breathing. People are oftentimes convinced that you burn your highest number of calories during exercise, when in reality your highest calorie burn comes from your RMR. This is where the "based on a 1,500; 2,000; or 2,500 calorie diet" comes from, so most people will fall in that range (1,500-2,500). If you wear a smart watch, you can also add your daily caloric burn to your RMR total, meaning if your estimated RMR is 1,700, and your watch says you burned 500 calories moving today and 350 calories exercising, the total amount of calories you burned that day was 2,550 calories. Not bad!

How you can apply this information in real life

So all of that information is great, but how do you apply it to you?

You counted your calories for two days and took in around 2,500 calories each day. That's not too bad, but when you look at how many calories you burn, that's awfully close to that 2,550 number, which means you aren't going to lose any weight. Even worse, if you don't exercise to burn that extra 350 calories you added from your smart watch, you're actually over your daily allowance by about 300 calories. So that's why you aren't losing weight! Now you know! And now that you know that information, you can make some small changes in your life. You don't need to go on some crazy diet, you don't need to cut carbs or look at every single little thing you're putting into your body. That's stressful! All you need to do is eat a little less. If you make each portion just a bit smaller than you would on a regular day, you'll eat fewer calories. Simple. You can still eat your snacks and have regular meals. More good news, there are ways to accelerate your metabolism to get your RMR up!

How to accelerate your progress

We're keeping this simple, so I'm not going to be sharing a magic pill you have to take everyday because that gets expensive, it's not sustainable, could have harmful longterm effects on your body, and it doesn't exist. What I am going to share with you is two products that can safely boost your metabolism, and how to actually train your body to speed up its metabolism.

  1. I'm a big believer in hydrogenated water. A simple explanation is that there is extra hydrogen added to your H2O, which is rich in antioxidents, is a great anti-inflamitory, and it boosts your metabolism. It's natural, simple, has absolutely no negative effects on you or your body, and it gets you drinking more water, which has health benefits in itself! CLICK HERE to learn more about the science behind this or to jump on their current offer. The Hydrogen Switch has a 180 day money back guarantee, which says alot about this product.

  2. Next up, we have Java Burn. Java Burn is a product that is added to your coffee in the morning. It's made of 100% natural ingredients, helps activate and boost your metabolism, and it doesn't have to be taken forever. It's something you can take for a month, two months, three months, or however long you want/need, and you can stop taking it at any point with no side effects. They use a proprietary formula of super-nutrients that specifically work with coffee to boost metabolism and support your overall health, energy and well-being, and it has a 60 day money back guarantee! CLICK HERE to learn more about this product! Or, if you're more of a tea person, click here to see the tea version!

These products aren't magic, they don't claim to be magic, and they're 100% natural. However, I understand not everyone wants to add a product to their daily routine, and that's okay! Not everyone needs to have their metabolism boosted, you can simply follow my next advice instead!

How to train your body to speed up its metabolism

Many people aren't aware that you can train your metabolism, but you definitely can! However, it takes time. There's room for error, which is great because we aren't perfect, and I guarentee you've heard of the method before, but just didn't understand why it worked. The method is simply eating small meals throughout the day. Typically 6 evenly sized meals are ideal, but even your typical three large meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) along with small snacks inbetween is all you need. If you're eating the large meals, then your snacks will need to be fairly small, like a handful of peanuts or an apple.

The way I like to explain this is by saying your body is like a fire. If you're outside starting a fire in a fire pit, you need to throw quite a few logs in to get it going (breakfast!). You're then going to need to throw "logs" in throughout the day in order to keep a flame. That's just like your body/metabolism! If you're not throwing a log in here and there (a meal or snack), it's going to slow down. Your body then starts guessing when it's going to get its next fuel source, which trains your body to slow down its metabolism. But if you're eating small meals throughout the day consistently, your metabolism is going to speed up over the next few months! It's a pretty simple concept, really. This along with being mindful of your calories you're bringing in will have you losing weight in no time, and it's very simple and inexpensive to keep up with!

If you try this method out and don't notice a change in a month or so, you can always use the boosters mentioned before. They're all natural, good for your body, and do not by any means need to have a permanent place in your life. Click the images below to check them out!

I'm more than happy to help if you're stuck. Like I mentioned before, I've been a personal trainer for 8 years and have quite a bit of experience with this weight loss thing. I also have two kids, so I know all about added baby weight.

Thanks for reading, and good luck! You can do this!


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